We have a new version of Polar out with some really interesting features.
Further, since holiday season is upon us, we are offering a special 1-year deal for Polar Premium for $19.95. That’s a 50% discount on the regular price.
We've decided to offer a 1 year license of Polar for just $19.95. Normally the bronze version of Polar is $4.99 per month so this is nearly a $40 savings.
I wanted to do this because a number of our student users commented that paying per month was expensive and $4.99 per month was difficult when you're living out of a dorm and eating ramen noodles.
When 2.0 arrives, which should land sometime in January, the mobile flashcard review is going to be a premium feature.
This is a great opportunity to save some money once 2.0 is out the door.
Update: We're going to be extending the discount until Dec 31, 2019 due to the delayed release of 1.80.
The mobile app has been significantly reworked and now feels more like a native app. Navigation works properly and also works amazingly well on a tablet.
If you have any feedback on our tablet app please reach out.
This version will form the basis of our Android app which we plan on shipping in early 2020.
Spaces within tags are now fully supported. This includes both folders and regular tags.
I was hesitant to add this feature because then our tags wouldn't be compatible with other systems like Twitter but so many people requested this functionality that it's probably very important moving forward.